Tuesday, August 4, 2009

gimme my mid-sem break

please, please, PLEASE!!!!!!!

let the mid-sem break be on~~~~

please, please, PLEASE!!!!!!

do not cancel it~~~~

after the 1 week 'durian runtuh' holidays which most of us here enjoyed(of course!!no doubt ^_^), there's a 'maybe' that we would not be getting our original scheduled holiday....nooooo......

ah, there's always a price to pay for something unexpected eh??!!

so, do not take things for granted....

anyway, I WANT MY HOLIDAYS!!!!!


  1. zhi, tak yah lah mid sem break tu..zhi kan rajin study..haha...

    we missed you babe!

  2. i miss you guys very much too!!!
    life here is really different from there~~~

    btw, holidays is very important!!!
    dapat balik kampung!!!

    that's the BEST!!!

  3. Aww too bad larh. Your A(H1N1) holidays ganti your sem-break.

    Raya coming back anot?? We got gathering. =)))
