Friday, December 26, 2008

A better day.....

Second day of work was equally tiring.....
but, i think I'm adapting already....
haha, one good thing about working i sushi king is that i get to eat free sushi at the end of the day=)
although it might not be that fresh( since it has been going on the kaiten belt for the whole day), but i still get to eat expensive one's for free!!!
haha, free stuff taste the BEST!!
Anyway, i was quite shock when Nurul(our asst manager) told me to throw the extras( when nobody wanted to eat anymore) into the waste basket!!!
I was totally shock!! isn't that serious wastage of food???
Anyway, i think it's the company's policy lar....although i really wanted to tapau the extra..... i did not have the courage to ask yet.....
eh, i'm a newbie and the seniors aren't even doing, of course i won't take the risk of being scolded right??
My closing job was to sweep, which i think is an easier job compared to moping.....
haha, hope to have a better working day today!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

FIRST day of work at SUSHI KING

well, i was kinda nervous when i stepped into sushi king 15min before 2pm for my first day of work......
haha, this was the first time in history that i was actually there without any intention to eat....
the manager,Siew Yee gave me a set of uniform to put on which includes a top, a head scarf and an apron. Gosh, i was actually so clumsy that i did not know how to put on the apron and scarf correctly!!!!!
then, Ah Hong( i think that's he's name....)came over to give me some lessons on how to wash my hands the correct way( there is actually 7 steps). By the way, the washing of glasses,sauce plates, spoons is actually a part of the service crew's job. So, i ended up standing in the kitchen washing non-stop for nearly 2 hours!! gosh, i was so afraid that i'm gonna have to do this the whole day!!!
then, i went for my break at 4.30pm. That's the time i took my dinner anyway......
Thank god when i came back from my break, Hong started to teach me the most IMPORTANT part of our job.......handling customer.......
SO, this is how it works lar....
First, when customer comes in, we say "Iraishaimase" which means welcome in Japanese.
Then, we lead them to their table and try our best to recommend drinks that actually cost something(not green tea of course, since it's FOC...)
Later, we serve them their drinks, take order of food, place order, serve food, and at last end bill....
of course, we must also always be alert to refill o'cha(green tea).....
However, since i'm a newbie, i wasn't allowed to take order yet.....
so, i did practically everything except taking orders lar....duh?!
Later at night, bout 10something, we have to do which, i was assigned to mop the whole outlet alone( according to the other staff there, this was always given to those new workers.....bullying huh?)
OMG, the skin on my thumb was actually forced to peel off due to friction with the mop stick!!!!
so, at the end of the day, what was my thoughts??
my whole body was aching, my feet hurts like HELL( what did i expect since i was standing and walking for 8 hours?), and i really missed my BED.......
I was really very very tired!!! Seems that all the energy in my body has been drained off!!!!
the worst part is that i had a hard time sleeping because the pain and sore of my feet was killing me even when i'm lying on my bed!!!!!!
the conclusion is, yesterday was definitely on of the worst day of my life......

Anyway, MERRY X'MAS everybody......
and i'm gonna spend my Christmas in SUSHI KING.....=(

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Singapore Trip~~~

just came back from a 5D/2N singpore trip
you must be wondering why it isn't 5D/4N right??
see, one day is counted when we pushed off from ipoh at 11.30pm and another is counted when we arrived at 3 something in the morning in ipoh......
these are the common tactics for tour agencies to make more money though=)

okay,back to the main point....
upon our arrival at singapore,we were taken to this mongolian BBQ restaurant for our lunch
according to our tour guide, this reataurant is very famous among koreans and its true!!
saw a few korean families enjoying themselves there when we arrived
not only that, even lee young ai(the famous actress from jewels in the palace) and liu zhen(wonderful life) came there before^^
and this is a story from the boss......
lee young ai just finished filming jewel in the palace when she came here with the crew,
so she is not that famous yet lar.....
knowing that she's just a normal korean star,he took only one picture with her in which he regretted a lot later cause she kinda became super popular after jewel in the palace was aired in korea and the asia countries...LOL=)
well, i personally felt that the food there was GREAT and healthy too since it includes almost 10types of vege....

Friday, December 12, 2008

A bLoG iS bOrN...^^

my first blog is now officially "created"!!
had the idea of blogging quite sometime ago actually...
but due to procastination followed by all sorts of self-thoughts so called REASONS....
d idea was delayed till now....
neway, late is better than never right??