Thursday, June 10, 2010

latest craze~~~

oh man, i'm like totally drooling over this guy~~~yeah!!

was initially having second thoughts about doing this post, since well, after this i've to admit that i'm going crazy on another pop idol~~~

oh well, who cares anyway~~

it all began with this drama....(call me dramaQueen!!!)


the cast

lead actor : Jang Geun Seok as Hwang Tae Kyung
(another Korean hottie i must admit =P)

the oh so versatile Lee Hong Ki as Jeremy

A.N.J.E.L.L ( band in the drama)
featuring(from left): Jang Geun Seuk, Park SHin Myin, Jung Hong Hwa and Lee Hong Ki

Yea, since my main motive for this post is to introduce my latest 'crush',
so for those interested in this drama, there's always google available yea.

anyway, those whom happens to stumble this post,


definitely one of my favorite show!!! and oh, do remember to keep an eye on Lee HOng Ki!!!

for a new actor, he certainly did a great job playing the character Jeremy. He was always the one that made me laugh my heads of, and of course, shedding some tears in one particular scene.

And, and, and,
Lee Hong Ki is definitely the first on my list that actually suits GOLD coloured hair. Not many entertainers out there fits this particular blond style

of course, many tried, but only a handful managed to make this type of look 'work' for them

Seriously, i think this guys will suit any hairstyle thrown on him

Don't believe me??

Let the pictures do the talking then~~~

(All pictures are from the drama-you're beautiful)

now, don't ya agree with me??

thanks to him, i'm now paying more interest towards F.T. Island, the band in which he is the lead vocalist.
Although this is definitely not a new band, i've never really bothered about them till now. *in shame*

Well, do remember Dawn goin gaga over them during Form 5 (are you still into them anyway Dawn??haha)

But i was to occupied by Fahrenheit then( oh wu chun...sadly, your time has passed...)to notice them.

Well, i'm proud to say that F.T.Island do produce many quality music compared to the majority boy bands out there. Since they play their own music and the lead vocalist do sing very well indeed. Not to mention their overall good looks!!!!

Do check them out!!

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