Ever thought that you did badly in the exams but passed with flying colours in the end??
It totally happened to me, for the first time that is
Well, i wouldn't say that sem 2 final was superb hard, but yea, it was challenging nevertheless
i believe that all students had to race against the time just to complete those papers
Today, all ausmatians were supposed to register themselves in college. At the same time, it was also parents-lectures day. The time where some parents are called up to meet wit the lectures.
Anyway, before the event started, some of us (including me) kinda took the opportunity to peak at our results. since all of us are still clueless on how we fared
i was instantly stunted when i saw mine!!
iT was like those OMG-something-must-be-wrong situation!!!
it never ever occurred to me that i would be able to obtain an average of like 91!!!
To top that, i did amazingly well for my maths, something that wasn't expected at all!!
To be honest, i was totally prepared for the worst, especially for maths, since there wasn't enough time to recheck my paper (i'm a pro at silly mistakes btw). i even left some questions unanswered.
So, to score a 94 was totally out of the topic!!!
once i saw my result, the first thing i did was to recheck, double check even triple check the student ID on the result list. well, perhaps my eyes were playing some dumb trick on me right?!
okay, i'm still feeling superb surreal now. i've to admit that i never ever expected such good result. Though i did study (who didn't anyway?!), but still, maybe i doesn't deserve such result....
well, it like a usual thing right to be able to predict ones result right after finishing a paper.
usually there will be either a feeling of overwhelming joy (man, i did really well!!), dissapointment & perhaps anger( shit!!!totally screw the paper. please let me pass.....), or relieve (though i did not perform up to expectations, but heck, at last it's over!!!)
i would say that i'm in the 'relieve' category.....
ahhhhh.......i'm sooooo confused right now.
just hope that what i saw was true*crossing fingers*
an unbelieving good start for the upcoming semester perhaps??
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
beggining and the end
i'm now officially back at Shah Alam for my 3rd and also last semester of the AUsMAT course =P
I'm superb exhauseted!!! imagine walking up and down to my room on the fifth floor for about 10 times carrying stupid heavy boxes!!! gosh, my legs were practically wobbling when i did the last transfer!!!
crap, if only i knew that we're using the same room as last sem, i would never ever have cleared the whole room!!!
thank God for mum and dad which were here to help me!!
hmmm, this sem is supposed to be less hectic compared to the previous,
since well, all the major assignments are practically done, with only the presentation stage pending
and, since there'll be no more lessons for IELTS, i'm praying that we'll have more days in which lessons would end at 1pm rather than 4pm...(pleaaaase let this come true)
ah well, i'm really supposed to stay focused and work the extra mile in this last stage of preparation before the final SACE exam.
This is it!!!
the point in my life where the future actually lies in my own hands.
to be able to fly or the other way round
it's all about the RESULTS!!
not forgetting some of my friends whom will be enrolling in university soon, best of luck to you guys!! enjoy life there, well *ahem*, of course not forgetting to study hard as well~~
to the future doctors, pharmacist, dentist, accountants and forensic scientist
Roselind, Shoba, Rachel, Lydia, Stephanie, Jien May, Zhi Hui
I'm superb exhauseted!!! imagine walking up and down to my room on the fifth floor for about 10 times carrying stupid heavy boxes!!! gosh, my legs were practically wobbling when i did the last transfer!!!
crap, if only i knew that we're using the same room as last sem, i would never ever have cleared the whole room!!!
thank God for mum and dad which were here to help me!!
hmmm, this sem is supposed to be less hectic compared to the previous,
since well, all the major assignments are practically done, with only the presentation stage pending
and, since there'll be no more lessons for IELTS, i'm praying that we'll have more days in which lessons would end at 1pm rather than 4pm...(pleaaaase let this come true)
ah well, i'm really supposed to stay focused and work the extra mile in this last stage of preparation before the final SACE exam.
This is it!!!
the point in my life where the future actually lies in my own hands.
to be able to fly or the other way round
it's all about the RESULTS!!
not forgetting some of my friends whom will be enrolling in university soon, best of luck to you guys!! enjoy life there, well *ahem*, of course not forgetting to study hard as well~~
to the future doctors, pharmacist, dentist, accountants and forensic scientist
Roselind, Shoba, Rachel, Lydia, Stephanie, Jien May, Zhi Hui
Thursday, June 10, 2010
latest craze~~~
oh man, i'm like totally drooling over this guy~~~yeah!!

was initially having second thoughts about doing this post, since well, after this i've to admit that i'm going crazy on another pop idol~~~
oh well, who cares anyway~~
it all began with this drama....(call me dramaQueen!!!)

the oh so versatile Lee Hong Ki as Jeremy
And, and, and,
Seriously, i think this guys will suit any hairstyle thrown on him
Don't believe me??
Let the pictures do the talking then~~~
(All pictures are from the drama-you're beautiful) 

now, don't ya agree with me??

was initially having second thoughts about doing this post, since well, after this i've to admit that i'm going crazy on another pop idol~~~
oh well, who cares anyway~~
it all began with this drama....(call me dramaQueen!!!)

(another Korean hottie i must admit =P)

the oh so versatile Lee Hong Ki as Jeremy
featuring(from left): Jang Geun Seuk, Park SHin Myin, Jung Hong Hwa and Lee Hong Ki
Yea, since my main motive for this post is to introduce my latest 'crush',
so for those interested in this drama, there's always google available yea.
anyway, those whom happens to stumble this post,
definitely one of my favorite show!!! and oh, do remember to keep an eye on Lee HOng Ki!!!
for a new actor, he certainly did a great job playing the character Jeremy. He was always the one that made me laugh my heads of, and of course, shedding some tears in one particular scene.
And, and, and,
Lee Hong Ki is definitely the first on my list that actually suits GOLD coloured hair. Not many entertainers out there fits this particular blond style
of course, many tried, but only a handful managed to make this type of look 'work' for them
Seriously, i think this guys will suit any hairstyle thrown on him
Don't believe me??
Let the pictures do the talking then~~~
(All pictures are from the drama-you're beautiful)

now, don't ya agree with me??
thanks to him, i'm now paying more interest towards F.T. Island, the band in which he is the lead vocalist.
Although this is definitely not a new band, i've never really bothered about them till now. *in shame*
Well, do remember Dawn goin gaga over them during Form 5 (are you still into them anyway Dawn??haha)
But i was to occupied by Fahrenheit then( oh wu chun...sadly, your time has passed...)to notice them.
Well, i'm proud to say that F.T.Island do produce many quality music compared to the majority boy bands out there. Since they play their own music and the lead vocalist do sing very well indeed. Not to mention their overall good looks!!!!
Do check them out!!
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