Monday, June 1, 2009


Just as the title puts it, people are leaving....
me??certainly not!!!
But some friends which i had gotten really close too during the past 3weeks left, is and are gonna leave soon.

So there was Khiru, whom left For the matriculation in Gopeng(that's in Perak!!!) last week
And now Siaw Leng, leaving this wednesday(gosh, it's tomorrow) after receiving the official letter from JPA regarding the PILN thingy.

Hey girl, though your stay here was extremely short, but i'm certain that there'll be this big bucket of memories to bring back with. It has been a great pleasure knowing you, often spending the day together, going for jogs, lunch and dinner too. Well, all the best then in your future undertakings. I'm certain that you'll strive hard and remain your joyfull self in your journey to become a successful doctor!!! Dare not forget us, cause i'll certainly not forget you. All the sweet and sour memories that we've gone through together in the duration of three weeks in KMPh will be embedded in my heart, i give my word on that~~~

Okay, getting over issues on farewell, back to updates regarding life here.

As usual, the studying crowd continues while i'm actually indulging in stories book~~~crap!!!
And, it seems that all my roommates (yesh, three of them in total) are not only busy studying till midnight but early morning!!!!up to 1 to 2 am!!!!
And, eventually they do not bother to turn-off the main light. The result: Zhiying couldn't get enough sleep because the damn GLARING light keeps waking her up!!!!!!! &*%@#*%%&
I'm certainly getting myself those whatever-people-call-them to shed my poor eyes from that damn light thus getting sufficient sleep!!!!!!

And guess what??? I'm really , i mean really ENJOYING physics class. OMG, I still couldn't believe those words are coming out from my mouth. For a person whom once dreaded physics, and now totally attracted to it~~~whoosh~~~the rapid change. Well, seems that physics doesn't really need extrem memorising at all. Understanding is so much more important for this subject~~

Now, i'm longing for Friday cause........MY FAMILY WILL BE HERE(though i still prefer going back to Ipoh)!!!! gOSH, really can't wait to see them man!!!!!It's been almost a month since i've meet them . those clever people decided to enjoy their holidays here while visiting me~~~ what a 'brilliant' idea ~~~~

Well, that's all for this post. Gonna catch a tutorial class later. Will be back for more updates soon!!

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