since orientation is practically a must in all colleges and universities, it's kind of obvious my 1st week here is and will be all about that
Frankly speaking, orientation here is way, way better and relaxing compared to what i've gone through in matriculation earlier.
Well, facilitators do not scold or lecture us, no extreme sports whom will eventually lead us to cleanliness disaster-the only event that made us really sweat was aerobic dance. Mentioning bout aerobic, gosh, i really need to salute the male instructor. He kind of did those dance movements which are quite feminine right in front of us!!! he even shuffled man~~~ o.O
Well, orientation here is kind of tiring too. Since we only manage to catch about 5hr of sleep each night.
there's talks, perjumpaan with the penaja, LDKs, etc....One more aspect that outwit matrics is that they supply us with food during the orientation week. So, no going-hungry-during-orientation anymore ^_^
Uh, need to get back to the dewan after at 2, so i'll be going now. Anyway, it's already amazing to be able to blog during orientation week!!! LOL...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Going Off Again
After 2 weeks of 'extreme' rest (for the body,mind and soul), 'school' or rather 'college' is back in my vocabulary, and is gonna stick there for quite sometime
It seems just like those times where i'm packing for matriculation a-month-and-a-half ago. Well, the only difference is that i'll be heading to Shah Alam instead of Pahang. Packing was indeed a lot easier, since i'm practically 100% prepared and sure of what to bring there =) And of course, the LOAD 'grew' by size and weight~~~ Hah
The thought of going somewhere to study again really brings back fond memories of those times in KMPh. ' How are you guys doing there??" Hope that everything is going on smoothly. And, and, and.... I'M REALLY MISSING YOU PEOPLE!!!!! Gosh, it's been 2 long weeks since we've last meet each other!!! We used to meet everyday you know, imagine~~~ *sobs*
Yea, i'm kind of mentally and physically prepared to go through the tiring-annoying-might be ragged-all time 'fav' orientation week since the last experience at KMPh. Bring it on man!!
will be heading to Shah Alam in the wee hours tomorrow.
'O Lord, please grant us a safety journey there and prevent us from getting lost.......Amen'
Last but not the least, Rest In Peace Michael Jackson. Though i'm not such a big fan of yours, but the world would and will be mourning for the loss of yet another legend in the music industry. You will always be remembered by millions out there, for your 'styled' songs, unique music videos and dance, the famous moonwalk(yeap, he's the creater) and of course, your seems-to-be-never-ending plastic surgeries(no offense MJ fans). Though you are gone now, your spirit will always be with the world, with your fans, with the music industry~~~
That all for now. Wish me the best people!!! ^0^
It seems just like those times where i'm packing for matriculation a-month-and-a-half ago. Well, the only difference is that i'll be heading to Shah Alam instead of Pahang. Packing was indeed a lot easier, since i'm practically 100% prepared and sure of what to bring there =) And of course, the LOAD 'grew' by size and weight~~~ Hah
The thought of going somewhere to study again really brings back fond memories of those times in KMPh. ' How are you guys doing there??" Hope that everything is going on smoothly. And, and, and.... I'M REALLY MISSING YOU PEOPLE!!!!! Gosh, it's been 2 long weeks since we've last meet each other!!! We used to meet everyday you know, imagine~~~ *sobs*
Yea, i'm kind of mentally and physically prepared to go through the tiring-annoying-might be ragged-all time 'fav' orientation week since the last experience at KMPh. Bring it on man!!
will be heading to Shah Alam in the wee hours tomorrow.
'O Lord, please grant us a safety journey there and prevent us from getting lost.......Amen'
Last but not the least, Rest In Peace Michael Jackson. Though i'm not such a big fan of yours, but the world would and will be mourning for the loss of yet another legend in the music industry. You will always be remembered by millions out there, for your 'styled' songs, unique music videos and dance, the famous moonwalk(yeap, he's the creater) and of course, your seems-to-be-never-ending plastic surgeries(no offense MJ fans). Though you are gone now, your spirit will always be with the world, with your fans, with the music industry~~~
That all for now. Wish me the best people!!! ^0^
Thursday, June 25, 2009
1 and a half years of my life would be entirely dedicated to braces from now onwards~~
After much nagging and persuading, my parents gave me the GREEN LIGHT to put on those metal piece at a private clinic ( I'm 100% sure the nurses in government clinics would shoo me off immediately, without even considering to put me on the LONNNNG waiting list) Nevertheless, the cost is only RM2000 for the whole process due to the generosity of a church member cum dentist!!
May god bless you abundantly!!!!Praise the Lord!! ^_^
Another piece of good news is that no tooth extraction is needed for my case~~Whee~~ So, no extra pain-blood-numbness-huge needle for me~~
Anyway, those metal pieces have been keeping me from eating and chewing properly for the last 2 days. And of course most of the epithelial cells in my inner mouth have been scraped off, well, at least there's no bleeding, yet. Haha, i shall cut down on the complaining part for beauty comes with a price right??!
No regrets~~~
After much nagging and persuading, my parents gave me the GREEN LIGHT to put on those metal piece at a private clinic ( I'm 100% sure the nurses in government clinics would shoo me off immediately, without even considering to put me on the LONNNNG waiting list) Nevertheless, the cost is only RM2000 for the whole process due to the generosity of a church member cum dentist!!
May god bless you abundantly!!!!Praise the Lord!! ^_^
Another piece of good news is that no tooth extraction is needed for my case~~Whee~~ So, no extra pain-blood-numbness-huge needle for me~~
Anyway, those metal pieces have been keeping me from eating and chewing properly for the last 2 days. And of course most of the epithelial cells in my inner mouth have been scraped off, well, at least there's no bleeding, yet. Haha, i shall cut down on the complaining part for beauty comes with a price right??!
No regrets~~~
Monday, June 22, 2009
updates that should have been posted
it's been a whole week since i'm back, to my beloved hometown-Ipoh
And of course, updates are finally here!!! to rejuvenate this partial-going-to-die blog
Update #1 ~ From Pahang to Pangkor
Back on Friday night from Pahang and immediately went down to Pangkor with some relatives the next morning.
Kudos to dad, whom drove, drove and drove endlessly....without complaining~~~haha
Anyway, pictures are the best description of all

Visited a small factory producing seafood snacks, dried seafood etc......

Visited a temple too

Next station : A historical place is the only thing i could recall~~~LOL

Update #2 ~ Dinner at Riche Montana Korean BBQ Buffet
Decided to give this newly opened restaurant a try with some ex-Sushi King colleagues.
Overall, food was moderate. With an ample amount of cooked food but limited choices for BBQ and steamboat. Comfortable environment, but prepare to be heated-up when barbecuing. Good service, with the BBQ pan being changed frequently. (Ours was changed trice without placing a request~~~Good job!!) Dessert was the usual ice-cream, with cakes and cookies too for those with a sweet tooth. Worth paying RM29.90 for this. ( well, try saving a whole RM5 by choosing to dine upstairs. Cons : Food is only available downstairs. So, climb the stairs shall we?! Pros : Save and exercise at the same time...)
As usual, can't help but stuffed myself till off limits resulting in a bloated stomach and weight gain??!! Oh no....
Update #3 ~ Star Walk
Being such a faithful supporter for all these years, of course i wouldn't miss such an 'historic' occasion. Though fully aware of the consequences : Definite muscle ache, especially on the leg~~~Yeap, this happens every year without fail. Ever heard that history repeats itself?? *laughs*

the only foodie picture i managed to take.
100plus and milo went straight down my stomach. No time for pics~~~LOL
And of course, updates are finally here!!! to rejuvenate this partial-going-to-die blog
Update #1 ~ From Pahang to Pangkor
Back on Friday night from Pahang and immediately went down to Pangkor with some relatives the next morning.
Kudos to dad, whom drove, drove and drove endlessly....without complaining~~~haha
Anyway, pictures are the best description of all
starting the day with a bottle fresh of cow's milk
all time favorite seaside!!!
Visited a small factory producing seafood snacks, dried seafood etc......
Visited a temple too
Next station : A historical place is the only thing i could recall~~~LOL
Four big happy families~~
just in time to catch the sunset~~~amazing view ^0^
Update #2 ~ Dinner at Riche Montana Korean BBQ Buffet
Decided to give this newly opened restaurant a try with some ex-Sushi King colleagues.
Overall, food was moderate. With an ample amount of cooked food but limited choices for BBQ and steamboat. Comfortable environment, but prepare to be heated-up when barbecuing. Good service, with the BBQ pan being changed frequently. (Ours was changed trice without placing a request~~~Good job!!) Dessert was the usual ice-cream, with cakes and cookies too for those with a sweet tooth. Worth paying RM29.90 for this. ( well, try saving a whole RM5 by choosing to dine upstairs. Cons : Food is only available downstairs. So, climb the stairs shall we?! Pros : Save and exercise at the same time...)
As usual, can't help but stuffed myself till off limits resulting in a bloated stomach and weight gain??!! Oh no....
Update #3 ~ Star Walk
Being such a faithful supporter for all these years, of course i wouldn't miss such an 'historic' occasion. Though fully aware of the consequences : Definite muscle ache, especially on the leg~~~Yeap, this happens every year without fail. Ever heard that history repeats itself?? *laughs*
the only foodie picture i managed to take.
100plus and milo went straight down my stomach. No time for pics~~~LOL
Update #4 ~ Medical Check-up
Mom forged out RM265 reluctantly just for a med check-up as required by JPA. Although it would be FOC if that was done in a government hospital......the only problem is that i would have to wait for a total 2weeks for that!!! And time is certainly running short as registration is this Sunday. The whole process was completed in just one day, without having to even wait at Fatimah.....
the condition of my right hand after an injection for TB test. Gosh, i was really shock at first to see my own skin swell up before my eyes and not forgetting to mention the pain that came with it. and i need to go back 72hr later to confirm whether i'm a positive or otherwise
since right is not available anymore, the nurse draw a quite an amount of blood from my left hand for the bloodtest. And again, i was dumbfounded when she filled two test tubes with my BLOOD, my precious BLOOD!!!!Sure enough, the pain was there too, but not enbeareable.
the condition of my left arm after removing the cotton. Spot the injected part~~ and the area around it became kinda bruised too.....
Mom forged out RM265 reluctantly just for a med check-up as required by JPA. Although it would be FOC if that was done in a government hospital......the only problem is that i would have to wait for a total 2weeks for that!!! And time is certainly running short as registration is this Sunday. The whole process was completed in just one day, without having to even wait at Fatimah.....
Thursday, June 11, 2009
i seriously still can't believe this
what the heck?!
Okay, i admit that it was my own fault, my forgetfulness whom eventually lead to this
but then, what the hell is wrong with people here??!!
when you spot a phone lying beside a bag,
well, one is supposed to either ignore it or being a kind person, assume that someone accidentally left it there, and hand it over to the lost and found corner
But then, morality in this society, in this campus itself is DEGRADING man
Gosh, some stuck-up-and-up-to-no-good 'animal' took my 3year old phone purposely and decided to keep it as his/her!!!
i came to this conclusion when i found out that my phone was deliberately turned-off, since i tried calling and hoped that a good Samaritan actually existed
i am totally HEARTBROKEN right now
please, let my phone come back to me...
i even send a sms stating that if you really want that phone, take it! but return my sim and memory card!!!!
Those are like the most important stuff for communication!!!
since a lazy me doesn't even bother to keep a back-up files for my contacts...
And, those really precious pictures....
Seriously, for the person whom took my phone and decided not to return it for good,
i hereby pray for you, that you matriculation life would be filled with 'challenges', with downs but no ups, with only tears but no joy, and with failure but no success
call me cruel if you want to, but whoever it is DESERVES IT!!
Well, the good news of the day is
yeah man!!!
Officially leaving KMPh this afternoon, returning to ipoh tomorrow~~~
And i'm praying to get a new phone by today.
sorry mom and dad for planning to burn an hole in your pocket, but i'm really desperate for a phone~~~
to end this, i hereby declare that
Mong Zhi Ying's life in Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang comes to an end today
Last words : All the best to my fellow friends whom are still staying. Though life may not be the same without me ( perasan case ^^), continue to strive hard for success here, as success will only come knocking when effort is really put it. Remain joyous self and enjoy life here!!!
God bless all of you~~~
(except the one whom stole my phone of course. And yes, i'm not getting over this matter for the time being)
what the heck?!
Okay, i admit that it was my own fault, my forgetfulness whom eventually lead to this
but then, what the hell is wrong with people here??!!
when you spot a phone lying beside a bag,
well, one is supposed to either ignore it or being a kind person, assume that someone accidentally left it there, and hand it over to the lost and found corner
But then, morality in this society, in this campus itself is DEGRADING man
Gosh, some stuck-up-and-up-to-no-good 'animal' took my 3year old phone purposely and decided to keep it as his/her!!!
i came to this conclusion when i found out that my phone was deliberately turned-off, since i tried calling and hoped that a good Samaritan actually existed
i am totally HEARTBROKEN right now
please, let my phone come back to me...
i even send a sms stating that if you really want that phone, take it! but return my sim and memory card!!!!
Those are like the most important stuff for communication!!!
since a lazy me doesn't even bother to keep a back-up files for my contacts...
And, those really precious pictures....
Seriously, for the person whom took my phone and decided not to return it for good,
i hereby pray for you, that you matriculation life would be filled with 'challenges', with downs but no ups, with only tears but no joy, and with failure but no success
call me cruel if you want to, but whoever it is DESERVES IT!!
Well, the good news of the day is
yeah man!!!
Officially leaving KMPh this afternoon, returning to ipoh tomorrow~~~
And i'm praying to get a new phone by today.
sorry mom and dad for planning to burn an hole in your pocket, but i'm really desperate for a phone~~~
to end this, i hereby declare that
Mong Zhi Ying's life in Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang comes to an end today
Last words : All the best to my fellow friends whom are still staying. Though life may not be the same without me ( perasan case ^^), continue to strive hard for success here, as success will only come knocking when effort is really put it. Remain joyous self and enjoy life here!!!
God bless all of you~~~
(except the one whom stole my phone of course. And yes, i'm not getting over this matter for the time being)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ah, i am supposed to be back in ipoh now~~~
And yet, here i am , blogging in KMPh (duh??)
Okay, lets not touch on the effectiveness of the gov doing their jobs-though this matter just involves a bloody simple and small letter
Let's not mention that zhiying still have not received her letter though it is stated clearly that they're sending it via post laju AND it's guaranteed to arrived by this week
So, due to some unresolved circumstances, Zhiying is still in Pahang, still eager to leave Pahang...
Anyway, i actually took the initiative to complete ALL the assignments, which include a super long physics practical report =D
haha, this can be considered as a big achievement for a person that is gonna leave and is totally not REQUIRED to finish those stuff
well, I can even skip lectures and tutorial classes if i want to...
but then, since these act will eventually ruin my so-called-good-student-image
self-control won the battle...LOL
Just took a physics test which involves Chap 1 and 2 the day before
guess what?? The test was actually held at 8.30pm~~~
My first ever experience of actually sitting for an exam at night~~~
haha, this can only be implemented in a boarding school right??
Then, the schedule for lectures and tutorial classes wouldn't be affected. No wonder the matriculation program only last for a year.....
Ohoh, not forgetting to mention that Lydia is contesting for JPP-Student's Representative Council!!!
Practically, the whole process is similar to the general election, just not as complicated
And, there was this pidato thingy for all candidates yesterday night
You should have seen Lydia giving her speech man
full with enthusiasm and she even got the crowd going!! Good job Lydia!!!
She even quoted this verse : DO NOT VOTE FOR ME, BUT VOTE WITH ME
as said my Mahathir or Badawi i guess...
whoa, perfect quote for the occasion ^0^
I 100% support you Lydia, and i shall cast my 'precious' vote before leaving, specially for you~~~hahaha
And yet, here i am , blogging in KMPh (duh??)
Okay, lets not touch on the effectiveness of the gov doing their jobs-though this matter just involves a bloody simple and small letter
Let's not mention that zhiying still have not received her letter though it is stated clearly that they're sending it via post laju AND it's guaranteed to arrived by this week
So, due to some unresolved circumstances, Zhiying is still in Pahang, still eager to leave Pahang...
Anyway, i actually took the initiative to complete ALL the assignments, which include a super long physics practical report =D
haha, this can be considered as a big achievement for a person that is gonna leave and is totally not REQUIRED to finish those stuff
well, I can even skip lectures and tutorial classes if i want to...
but then, since these act will eventually ruin my so-called-good-student-image
self-control won the battle...LOL
Just took a physics test which involves Chap 1 and 2 the day before
guess what?? The test was actually held at 8.30pm~~~
My first ever experience of actually sitting for an exam at night~~~
haha, this can only be implemented in a boarding school right??
Then, the schedule for lectures and tutorial classes wouldn't be affected. No wonder the matriculation program only last for a year.....
Ohoh, not forgetting to mention that Lydia is contesting for JPP-Student's Representative Council!!!
Practically, the whole process is similar to the general election, just not as complicated
And, there was this pidato thingy for all candidates yesterday night
You should have seen Lydia giving her speech man
full with enthusiasm and she even got the crowd going!! Good job Lydia!!!
She even quoted this verse : DO NOT VOTE FOR ME, BUT VOTE WITH ME
as said my Mahathir or Badawi i guess...
whoa, perfect quote for the occasion ^0^
I 100% support you Lydia, and i shall cast my 'precious' vote before leaving, specially for you~~~hahaha
Monday, June 8, 2009
Counting the days
well, there's probably one or two days more before i leave KMPh
Since the unimaginable news, zhiying is becoming a super lazy bug~~~
Reluctant to finish tutorial homework, practical reports and even sits in lectures half absent minded....
okay, i declare that as a normal reflex reaction for all homo sapiens la....
yea, i can't wait to go home!!!!
praying : Oh lord, please....please let the JPA offer letter to arrive soon~~~
Hah, since parents have practically decided to 'fly' here immediately the next day upon receiving the letter to 'escort' me home...muahaha
Gosh, every thought in my mind now concerns HOME!!!
-will Doggie remember me after parting for a month?? He better do~~~~or else......
-ah, i can't wait to lay my hands on the-all-time-beloved hamsters!!!!
-at last, homely food after a month!!!!
-gonna catch up with some friends~~~
Thus, Zhiying is homesick again~~~~
By the way, there's this kinda weird trend about JPA scholarship this year.
It seems that those whom applied for accountancy and got the' dalam negara' scholarship but rejected it at first are offered to do accountancy again overseas. This result came out together with the rayuan one. And, those whom rejected it didn't have to appeal or whatsoever. So, it's really good news for some here as they didn't expect to be given a second chance!!!
Oh, i spent almost RM30 buying junks to treat all my tutorial mates, as a farewell gift i guess~~~though they wanted KFC initially
gosh, are they trying to burn a hole in my pocket or wat?!
Anyway, i'm sure to pack and bring with me loads of memories when i return later....
This is an essential part of live in which i couldn't and shouldn't possibly forget right??
Till the next time~~
Since the unimaginable news, zhiying is becoming a super lazy bug~~~
Reluctant to finish tutorial homework, practical reports and even sits in lectures half absent minded....
okay, i declare that as a normal reflex reaction for all homo sapiens la....
yea, i can't wait to go home!!!!
praying : Oh lord, please....please let the JPA offer letter to arrive soon~~~
Hah, since parents have practically decided to 'fly' here immediately the next day upon receiving the letter to 'escort' me home...muahaha
Gosh, every thought in my mind now concerns HOME!!!
-will Doggie remember me after parting for a month?? He better do~~~~or else......
-ah, i can't wait to lay my hands on the-all-time-beloved hamsters!!!!
-at last, homely food after a month!!!!
-gonna catch up with some friends~~~
Thus, Zhiying is homesick again~~~~
By the way, there's this kinda weird trend about JPA scholarship this year.
It seems that those whom applied for accountancy and got the' dalam negara' scholarship but rejected it at first are offered to do accountancy again overseas. This result came out together with the rayuan one. And, those whom rejected it didn't have to appeal or whatsoever. So, it's really good news for some here as they didn't expect to be given a second chance!!!
Oh, i spent almost RM30 buying junks to treat all my tutorial mates, as a farewell gift i guess~~~though they wanted KFC initially
gosh, are they trying to burn a hole in my pocket or wat?!
Anyway, i'm sure to pack and bring with me loads of memories when i return later....
This is an essential part of live in which i couldn't and shouldn't possibly forget right??
Till the next time~~
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Really leaving
As i lay awaken on my bed, exactly 6.45am-the latest i've ever slept till, my mind was still in a state of shock, trying to figure out was yesterday just a dream or indeed reality
Imagine the look on my face when the piece of news arrived without any warning, any specific clues. There, i stood still, almost dumbfounded in the middle of a pathway-unable to react for a whole 3sec.
" Hey, you got the JPA Scholarship after appealing......" the voice of mum rang excitedly over the phone after 13 unsuccessful calls to reach me.
Honestly, getting the JPA Scholarship has been at the bottom of my list since being left out the last time. Therefore, the chances of getting IT through appealing is VERY, very, very slim- well, unless you get yourself 'noticed' by making a fuss through a sort of renown newspaper.....
I actually told my mum to 'cut the crap', 'stop kidding with me'. That news seems too good to be true, and it still is!!!
Yea, so that's the news. JPA offered me to do Veterinary studies in Australia, in which i've to complete the required foundation in UITM Shah Alam first. Ohh, i'm now so excited in meeting Siaw Leng there~~~we get to study together again~~~
Well, after the excitement and joy eventually faded, i was suddenly overcome with sadness.
though it's good i'm leaving for JPA, but i'll be leaving a lot behind too. Friendship that has developed and blossomed through the weeks that i've spent here, funny classmates, enjoyable lectures, the-same-old lunch everyday(i'm still crazy over tempe though i practically take them everyday), tennis and random jogs.....
not forgetting Physics which i've learned to enjoy and 'indulge'----ah, i'm gonna take biology bye-bye Physics *sobs*
Initially, i've gotten my heart,mind and soul set to finish the one year matriculation program. Even deciding not to attend the ASEAN Scholarship test in Penang. But unexpected things tend to happen at the least unexpected moment!!!
Okay, enough talking on JPA.
Gosh, my stomach is really protesting in hunger now!!! Hah, i've decided to fast today( together with a few friends)- the 1st of my life, but it's kind of a fasting-with-water event lar.... since i couldn't possibly imagine myself without water for even an hour, what more a day??!!
Thus, the most anticipated hour of the day is BUKA PUASA!!! haha
Imagine the look on my face when the piece of news arrived without any warning, any specific clues. There, i stood still, almost dumbfounded in the middle of a pathway-unable to react for a whole 3sec.
" Hey, you got the JPA Scholarship after appealing......" the voice of mum rang excitedly over the phone after 13 unsuccessful calls to reach me.
Honestly, getting the JPA Scholarship has been at the bottom of my list since being left out the last time. Therefore, the chances of getting IT through appealing is VERY, very, very slim- well, unless you get yourself 'noticed' by making a fuss through a sort of renown newspaper.....
I actually told my mum to 'cut the crap', 'stop kidding with me'. That news seems too good to be true, and it still is!!!
Yea, so that's the news. JPA offered me to do Veterinary studies in Australia, in which i've to complete the required foundation in UITM Shah Alam first. Ohh, i'm now so excited in meeting Siaw Leng there~~~we get to study together again~~~
Well, after the excitement and joy eventually faded, i was suddenly overcome with sadness.
though it's good i'm leaving for JPA, but i'll be leaving a lot behind too. Friendship that has developed and blossomed through the weeks that i've spent here, funny classmates, enjoyable lectures, the-same-old lunch everyday(i'm still crazy over tempe though i practically take them everyday), tennis and random jogs.....
not forgetting Physics which i've learned to enjoy and 'indulge'----ah, i'm gonna take biology bye-bye Physics *sobs*
Initially, i've gotten my heart,mind and soul set to finish the one year matriculation program. Even deciding not to attend the ASEAN Scholarship test in Penang. But unexpected things tend to happen at the least unexpected moment!!!
Okay, enough talking on JPA.
Gosh, my stomach is really protesting in hunger now!!! Hah, i've decided to fast today( together with a few friends)- the 1st of my life, but it's kind of a fasting-with-water event lar.... since i couldn't possibly imagine myself without water for even an hour, what more a day??!!
Thus, the most anticipated hour of the day is BUKA PUASA!!! haha
Monday, June 1, 2009
Just as the title puts it, people are leaving....
me??certainly not!!!
But some friends which i had gotten really close too during the past 3weeks left, is and are gonna leave soon.
So there was Khiru, whom left For the matriculation in Gopeng(that's in Perak!!!) last week
And now Siaw Leng, leaving this wednesday(gosh, it's tomorrow) after receiving the official letter from JPA regarding the PILN thingy.
Hey girl, though your stay here was extremely short, but i'm certain that there'll be this big bucket of memories to bring back with. It has been a great pleasure knowing you, often spending the day together, going for jogs, lunch and dinner too. Well, all the best then in your future undertakings. I'm certain that you'll strive hard and remain your joyfull self in your journey to become a successful doctor!!! Dare not forget us, cause i'll certainly not forget you. All the sweet and sour memories that we've gone through together in the duration of three weeks in KMPh will be embedded in my heart, i give my word on that~~~
Okay, getting over issues on farewell, back to updates regarding life here.
As usual, the studying crowd continues while i'm actually indulging in stories book~~~crap!!!
And, it seems that all my roommates (yesh, three of them in total) are not only busy studying till midnight but early morning!!!!up to 1 to 2 am!!!!
And, eventually they do not bother to turn-off the main light. The result: Zhiying couldn't get enough sleep because the damn GLARING light keeps waking her up!!!!!!! &*%@#*%%&
I'm certainly getting myself those whatever-people-call-them to shed my poor eyes from that damn light thus getting sufficient sleep!!!!!!
And guess what??? I'm really , i mean really ENJOYING physics class. OMG, I still couldn't believe those words are coming out from my mouth. For a person whom once dreaded physics, and now totally attracted to it~~~whoosh~~~the rapid change. Well, seems that physics doesn't really need extrem memorising at all. Understanding is so much more important for this subject~~
Now, i'm longing for Friday cause........MY FAMILY WILL BE HERE(though i still prefer going back to Ipoh)!!!! gOSH, really can't wait to see them man!!!!!It's been almost a month since i've meet them . those clever people decided to enjoy their holidays here while visiting me~~~ what a 'brilliant' idea ~~~~
Well, that's all for this post. Gonna catch a tutorial class later. Will be back for more updates soon!!
me??certainly not!!!
But some friends which i had gotten really close too during the past 3weeks left, is and are gonna leave soon.
So there was Khiru, whom left For the matriculation in Gopeng(that's in Perak!!!) last week
And now Siaw Leng, leaving this wednesday(gosh, it's tomorrow) after receiving the official letter from JPA regarding the PILN thingy.
Hey girl, though your stay here was extremely short, but i'm certain that there'll be this big bucket of memories to bring back with. It has been a great pleasure knowing you, often spending the day together, going for jogs, lunch and dinner too. Well, all the best then in your future undertakings. I'm certain that you'll strive hard and remain your joyfull self in your journey to become a successful doctor!!! Dare not forget us, cause i'll certainly not forget you. All the sweet and sour memories that we've gone through together in the duration of three weeks in KMPh will be embedded in my heart, i give my word on that~~~
Okay, getting over issues on farewell, back to updates regarding life here.
As usual, the studying crowd continues while i'm actually indulging in stories book~~~crap!!!
And, it seems that all my roommates (yesh, three of them in total) are not only busy studying till midnight but early morning!!!!up to 1 to 2 am!!!!
And, eventually they do not bother to turn-off the main light. The result: Zhiying couldn't get enough sleep because the damn GLARING light keeps waking her up!!!!!!! &*%@#*%%&
I'm certainly getting myself those whatever-people-call-them to shed my poor eyes from that damn light thus getting sufficient sleep!!!!!!
And guess what??? I'm really , i mean really ENJOYING physics class. OMG, I still couldn't believe those words are coming out from my mouth. For a person whom once dreaded physics, and now totally attracted to it~~~whoosh~~~the rapid change. Well, seems that physics doesn't really need extrem memorising at all. Understanding is so much more important for this subject~~
Now, i'm longing for Friday cause........MY FAMILY WILL BE HERE(though i still prefer going back to Ipoh)!!!! gOSH, really can't wait to see them man!!!!!It's been almost a month since i've meet them . those clever people decided to enjoy their holidays here while visiting me~~~ what a 'brilliant' idea ~~~~
Well, that's all for this post. Gonna catch a tutorial class later. Will be back for more updates soon!!
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